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Low-speed serial data and analog/digital voice are in demand!

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Low-Speed Serial Data and Analog/Digital Voice Solutions are In Demand!


What do you do when legacy applications require low-speed serial asynchronous and synchronous data connectivity in a modern era? What about legacy analog and digital T1/PRI voice applications? And what you do when the legacy application requires both serial data and analog/digital voice interfaces? What happened to channel banks and hardware that solved all these applications in the TDM world? Ethernet and IP devastated the legacy world with packets and simplicity. The domino effect rippled through the TDM world worldwide and quickly made serial data and analog/digital voice hardware obsolete. Most of the world's traditional analog voice lines have or are in the process of being dismantled because of the high cost to maintain older technology.

Low-Speed Serial Data and Analog Voice Solutions - Channel Bank Alternative

The equipment and hardware may have disappeared, but many projects, applications, and legacy networks are required to use this older technology. There are many reasons why you would need and use low-speed serial data and analog voice products such as:


  • Legacy networks still in use - there are still networks that older equipment relies on for basic applications. It could be a network that monitors devices no longer made, but not cost-effective to replace.

  • Security issues - Though modern IP-based solutions are technically superior in their capabilities, with complexity comes security risks based on so many options and configuration choices. Legacy equipment was specific to the application and much easier to lockdown.

  • Internet disconnect - In a world completely connected due to the Internet, this can be a disaster for companies and organizations that must provide security for their customers, and being hacked due to a simple mistake can be devastating to all involved. Legacy TDM based equipment provides a natural disconnect from the Internet and it is much harder to breach remotely.

  • Government agencies and networks - Many government institutions, especially those with access concerns still operate on legacy technology for budgetary reasons and more so security requirements. For example, many airports and FAA institutions continue to utilize legacy serial data and voice applications because of their superior uptime, security requirements, and the need for a stable solution in extremely busy public environments.

  • Return on Investment - Many companies and organizations have had legacy networks for many years and it is cheaper to maintain them than replace them with new ones. If you can continue recouping an investment that has paid for itself several times and maintains an acceptable level of quality and functionality, why would you not?


Low-speed serial data and analog/digital voice Solutions


At Pulse Supply, you are in good hands. Many of our customer representatives and technical support personnel have an extensive background in low-speed serial data communications and analog voice solutions. We still carry hardware products that are specifically for dealing with legacy applications that involve:

  • Low-speed serial data
  • High-speed serial data
  • Asynchronous serial communications
  • Synchronous serial communications
  • RS-232, V.24, RS-449, V.36, RS-530 V.35, V.11, X.21
  • Legacy Protocols such as ENQ/ACK, XON/XOFF, transparent, PPP, BDLC, HDLC, SDLC, X.25, X.25 over Frame Relay annex F/G, COP, BSC, VIP, IBM/RJE, Uniscope, Poll/ Select, Siemens Nixdorf, JCA, Zengin, RFC-1490, UNI-DTE, UNI-DCE
  • Analog Voice - FXO, FXS, and E&M
  • Digital T1, PRI Voice
  • FXO, FXS, E&M, T1, E1, PRI, BRI
  • Voice Signaling and Conversions such as ISDN and QSIG T1/E1 PRI and BRI signaling: EuroISDN/ETSI, National, and Japan, T1 signaling: robbed bit signaling, CCS transparent, SS7 transport with idle filtering and spoofing, E1 signaling: CAS, CCS transparent, SS7 transport with idle filtering, Digital CAS Signaling types: Immediate, Wink, FXO, FXS, FXO ground, FXS ground, E1/R2 (compelled, semi-compelled, DTMF), PLAR, Mu-law or A-law coding
  • Microwave and Satellite Networks
  • Point to Point and Multi-Point
  • SCPC and TDMA

Low-speed serial data and analog voice access device Digital and Analog Voice - Channel Bank


Are you trying to find a converter from T1/PRI to analog voice or a traditional Voice Channel Bank?  Are you trying to convert from different types of serial data interfaces and protocols? Do you need to manage low-speed serial data interfaces with a digital patch panel? You have reached the right place and you should connect with one of our customer representatives.


Are you looking for a way to manage those low-speed serial data connections and interfaces? Pulse Supply is the largest distributor of Digital Patch Panels for low and high-speed data serial communications.

Digital Serial Data Patch Panels - Pulse Supply


Please call us or email today to find out more about low-speed serial data and analog or digital voice solutions.